CPQG By-Laws

By-Laws of Centre Pieces Quilt Guild 
 Article 1: Name  
The name of this organization will be Centre Pieces Quilt Guild, herein referred to as CPQG. 
Article 2: Purpose  
CPQG is an organization whose purpose is to preserve, foster, and promote an appreciation of quilts, quilting, and related activities through sharing, education, and fellowship. 
Article 3: Membership 
Section 1 - Open Membership 
Membership is open to any interested individual, youth through senior, and confirmed by payment of yearly dues no later than August 15. The membership year runs from July 1 to June 30. 
Section 2 - Dues and Privileges 
Members will pay dues on the basis of their status as Youth, General, or Professional Associates in Centre County. 
Youth (4th grade - 12th grade) - $10.00 
General - $35.00 
Professional Associates (Centre County quilt shop owners and long-armers) - $15.00 
Individuals may join at any time throughout the fiscal year. Full payment of dues is expected whenever joining membership from July through March. However, dues will be assessed at 50% if joining in April or May. 
Members shall have rights and privileges which include: 
• Attending monthly business meetings and Board Meetings 
• Voting on Guild matters brought to the membership by the Executive Officers or Nominating Committee 
• Holding Executive Office 
• Volunteering for Chairmanships and/or Guild committee work 
• Participating in Guild functions 
• Receiving a regular newsletter via email By-Laws, meeting minutes, Board minutes, and Guild information are published on the CPQG website for viewing by all. 
Members are encouraged to be active participants in the life of the Guild. 
Section 3 - Guests 
Guests are invited to attend one monthly meeting without payment. Guests who attend workshops will pay workshop fees. Guests are not afforded the rights and privileges of membership until joining CPQG. The Membership Chair will communicate with guests following one visit to encourage joining membership of the Guild. 
Article 4: Officers 
 Section 1 - Executive Officers 
The officers of the Executive Board of CPQG include President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The positions, with the exception of Treasurer, may be shared by two persons. However, each office has only one vote at meetings. 
Section 2 - Terms 
President, 1st Vice-President, and 2nd Vice-President shall not serve more than two consecutive years. Elections shall occur every year in June. If the President resigns or is unable to continue, the 1st Vice-President will automatically assume the office of President. Secretary and Treasurer have no term limits. It is the responsibility of both the past Executive Board and the new Executive Board to work together to transition well and in the best interest of the membership. An exchange of materials and paperwork is expected. The outgoing President is encouraged to continue to attend Board meetings to assist in transition.
Section 3 - General Responsibilities 
• The President presides over monthly business meetings, Executive Board meetings, and Board meetings and may act on behalf of the membership and call or cancel meetings as needed. 
• The 1st and 2nd Vice-Presidents coordinate programing for monthly meetings and workshops. 
• The Secretary (or designated person if the Secretary is unavailable) shall record minutes of monthly business meetings, Executive Board meetings, Board meetings, and record any vote results taken. 
• The Treasurer records dues and pays bills in line with the budget approved by the Executive Board. 
• Members of the Executive Board are expected to be in attendance at every Executive Board meeting. If unable to attend a meeting the President should be notified in advance. 
• Executive Officers and Chairpersons shall have the power to act on behalf of the membership between meetings as needed. 
• Specific job descriptions are detailed in Guild documents located in the President’s notebook and on the CPQG website. 
Article 5: Meetings  
Section 1 - Clarification of Meeting Names 
• Executive Board meeting refers to the presence of President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer only. 
• Board meeting indicates the presence of the Executive Officers, relevant Chairs, committee members, and general membership interested in attending. 
• Reference to a monthly business meeting indicates an evening or daytime meeting of the membership. 
Section 2 - Meeting Schedule 
The CPQG fiscal year shall be July 1 through June 30, coinciding with the term of Executive Officers. Location, dates, and times of meetings shall be arranged by the Executive Board and announced by newsletter and posted on the website. Members are notified of cancellations via email and a post on the CPQG website. 
Section 3 - Management of Meetings 
• Prior to a Board or monthly business meeting, an agenda and the immediate past meeting minutes should be presented to the membership by email and posted on the Guild website. 
• Minutes of the last monthly business meeting shall be put up for acceptance/correction at each monthly meeting, They do not need to be read. A hard copy of the minutes will be available at the monthly business meeting. 
• The President shall call the meeting to order and follow Rules of Order. 
Article 6: Chairpersons/Member-At-Large 
Chairpersons and Member-At-Large shall be appointed by the President and taken from within the membership. They do not have a vote at Board meetings but are asked to attend when necessary. These members are vital to the functioning of the Guild. Any Guild member may attend Board meetings. 
Article 7: Nominations, Elections, and Amendments 
Section 1 - Nominations 
A Nominating Committee of 2 or more Guild members shall be appointed by the President. They shall actively seek nominations for officer positions in the spring prior to the June election. This committee will be responsible for presenting a slate of officers to the membership one month prior to the June meeting. Nominees must agree to being nominated for an office. 
Section 2 - Elections 
Elections will be held in June, at a date and time to be announced. At this meeting a slate of officers will be presented to the membership by the Nominating Chair and a vote on each position shall be by written ballot. Write in votes will be allowed. An emailed absentee vote by members not planning to attend the June meeting will be accepted by the Nominating Chair during the week prior to the Election meeting. Write in nominations are allowed on absentee ballots with the understanding that the nominee has agreed to be nominated. An Officer is elected by majority of all absentee and in-person votes. Only one vote per member per office is permitted. 
Section 3 - Amendments 
Amendments for By-Law changes must be presented to the membership one month in advance of a vote on these changes. By-Laws can be amended by a 2/3 vote of the members present at a monthly business meeting. Absentee votes will not be taken. Notification to the membership of the specific meeting date at which the vote will be taken is crucial. By-Laws should be reviewed every 2 years in August by a By-Laws Committee appointed by the President. 
Article 8: Supplementary Documents and Guild Support  
A notebook shall be kept by the President of supplementary documents that support the Guild. These documents are available to the membership. These documents include but are not limited to: 
• Detailed Description of Officer Responsibilities 
• Detailed Description of Committees and Charitable Outreaches of the Guild (known as Hearts and Hands) 
• Policy/Operational Guidelines of the CPQG 
• Current Membership List 
• Special Recognitions/Scholarships In support of Guild communication, a regular newsletter and an up-to-date website should be administered by Guild member volunteers. 
Article 9: Dissolution of the Organization  
Upon dissolution of CPQG, assets will be distributed as follows. Material goods will be given to non-profit or charitable works or organizations. Cash remaining in the treasury will be distributed to Scraps and Skeins under the auspices of Centre County Strawberry Fields Organization.


Adopted: November 9, 2021 
Amended: ________________